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Es werden Posts vom Januar, 2019 angezeigt.

DevOps Shorty - Validating Environment Variables in the Azure Build Pipeline

Validating Environment Variables in the Azure Build Pipeline Automated tests often require environment variables, e.g. to define the test browser, access data or the interval for the test. With a simple Powershell at the beginning of the pipeline these can be easily validated. $browsers = @("Chrome","IE","Edge", "Firefox") If ($browsers -NotContains $env:TEST_BROWSER) { Throw "$($env:TEST_BROWSER) is not a valid Browser or environment var 'TEST_BROWSER' is not set. Use $($Browsers) instead." } if($env:TEST_FILTER_CRITERIA.Length -lt 10) { Throw "$($env:TEST_FILTER_CRITERIA) is not a valid filter or environment var 'TEST_FILTER_CRITERIA' is not set. Use something like 'Category=basetest' instead." } This ensures that the required environment variables are set correctly at the beginning of the pipeline.